Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Blog Journal 9

    EME2040 is the first ever technology course that I have taken on the college level. I took a mandatory technology class at my middle school but other than that all of my technology experience and skill has been self taught. I really enjoy the way this course is designed to teach because I am a true believer that hands on learning is one of the best methods to teaching that will benefit the student the most. Our class was offered as a in person course with a zoom option for students that could not make it to class. I believe that offering the course in person offered a great selection of resources for students to utilize. I can learn not only from my instructor but also my fellow students in the class. Every has different levels of technology experience and skills and therefore we can collaborate and learn helpful tips from one another. Honestly, my least favorite part of the course is how short the actual class is. I wish the class was longer so we can dive deeper into discussion and activities about education and the use of technology and then still have plenty of time to work on assignments. As a future teacher, one thing that I hope to strive for in my classroom is collaboration. I've noticed how well our teacher in EME2040 asks for feedback and suggestions for technology. As a teacher, I hope to learn from my students just as much as they learn from me. 

     OER stands for Open Educational Resources, it is free accessible resources for teachers and students to access through the public domain. This makes it easy for teachers to access technological resources to help implement into the curriculum and strengthen the learning process. Within education it is crucial that there is a system for sharing resources. Education is a community and without the support of one another through resources, teachers will struggle to reach their students and serve their learning in the highest way possible. OER provides a way for teachers to legally share and access materials that teachers have tried, tested and recommended. What is OER? Education Week Article

    Assignment 4 was to create an informational teaching PowerPoint and then record yourself with sound using the PowerPoint. I chose to focus my lesson on a third grade math lesson with the topic of area and perimeter. I really enjoyed the process of this project because I learned how to do a lot of of new PowerPoint skills. The one thing I did not include in my PowerPoint was the name in the footer section so that the printouts have your name on it. Including that step is a great tool for teachers who need to print out their PowerPoint and/or lesson plans. I will use the skills I learned in this project for my future PowerPoint.

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Blog Journal 10

     Assignment 5 has been my favorite project in EME2040 to work on so far! It was such a creatively challenging project. I chose to create...