Thursday, January 27, 2022
Blog Journal 3
What is copyright and fair use, why are they important and how do they affect education? Copyright is a form of protection when you as a creator makes something. Like how there is protection against physical theft, copyright is a legal protection against others stealing, using, copying your work without your permission. There are specific rules of copyright law, however there is one big exemption to the law of copyright, which is fair use. Fair use is the accepted idea that certain copyrighted materials can be used legally without permission and/or payment for the purpose of education. As a teacher, we have to educate our students about the copyright laws, the freedom of speech, and the importance of avoiding plagiarism. In school, we are taught that there is only one right answer and we must all find that answer. There are questions in school that are yes or no, or one correct answer. However, learning isn't a one answer process. Learning is about growing and failing and finding your own method to finding knowledge and skills. Copyright laws are very important for this reason because they protect the individual ideas and creations of a person as their property. Our ideas, creations, and inventions belong to us and have value to us therefore, they should be protected and respected.
Cyber-bullying is a real issue in the world of technology that is often forgotten or ignored. Cyber-bullying is more intense and more of an issue than people realize. Online people can hide behind a screen and complete ruin the life of a stranger or person they know without any repercussions or consequences. Bullies hurt others because of problems, pain, and struggles in their own life that they can't or don't know how to deal with. The best way to stop the cycle of cyber-bullying is by helping students in their real life to feel supported, cared for, heard and valued. In my classroom, I plan to encourage safe and healthy uses of the internet. I personally always think is this thing I am going to say, something that would hurt my feelings to read. If so, it is not right to post. No one wants to be bullied, so take your own advice and don't be a bully.
When it comes to cheating also known as academic dishonesty, there are many approaches to preventing cheating and dealing with cheating. Cheating on school work usually happens for a few reasons, 1. students do not understand the content and 2. students do not want to put in the effort to attempt the work. When it comes to comprehension, the teacher should be talking with their students and reviewing work/tests to check the understanding of their students. If comprehension is not occurring then students are struggling with the learning process and new approaches and support from the teacher must occur. If students are left without help, they will continue to fall behind and rely on cheating to get by. Students aren't concerned with learning, they are concerned with passing. This is not the students' fault for having this mindset and goal. Schools have placed an overwhelming pressure on students to succeed. This pressure goes along with the second reason for cheating which is not wanting to try. Students have given up on trying to learn because learning involves failing and grades in schools do not promote and encourage failing as successful. As a teacher, I plan to openly communicate about supporting my students and re-framing school as a place to try and fail and keep failing until you succeed, because if you try you will get there.
The newsletter project was a great practice to develop skills on word. Not only was it instructional and helpful it was also really fun to do. The newsletter gave us an opportunity to explore our creativity and personal style of creating as well as teaching. One of the skills that I learned from the newsletter, was how to create decorative borders on text boxes to make them more visually appealing. All of the skills used in our word newsletter can be used for my future career as an elementary school teacher!
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Blog Journal 2
Hey guys! How was your week?
I had a really busy but exciting week! I love being back on campus for Spring Semester! I hope all of your classes are going well!
Personally, I'm kind of inexperienced when it comes to using Microsoft word. At my K-12 schools, we were required to use Google programs for our school district work. Because of this, I have a better understanding and grasp on Google Drive, Docs, Slides, etc. However, I do know the very basic uses and tools of Microsoft Word. I would like to strengthen my skills and experience on Microsoft Word so that I'm a more well rounded technology student!
The ISTE Standards for Educators is a great tool for understanding the goals of teachers. The seven standards for Educators are; Learner, Leader, Citizen, Collaborator, Designer, Facilitator, and Analyst. each of these standards are crucial for the success and impact of teachers in their schools and for their students. However, I think the most important aspect of teaching that is needed for successful teaching is the teacher's ability to be a learner. The world is constantly adapting, shifting, changing, growing and learning. It is crucial that teachers remain flexible and not only prioritize their student's learning but also their own learning. A teacher can not inspire a student to love and pursue learning if they themselves are not modeling this behavior.
Prensky (2001) defined those of the younger generations as "digital natives" within the world of technology and the internet. In order to be a digital native one must have grown up in a world surrounded by technology so that you were exposed early enough to become fluent in the language of technology. As we discussed in class, most of the Western world had the access and ability to use technology in their work and home lives on a daily basis. This would make us "digital natives". However, not every person from the Millennial or Gen Z generations can be termed as "digital natives". People from second world countries and/or lower incomed areas/families do not have the same access to technology that would allow them to become experts. As a "digital native" I feel comfortable in my use of technology. When I compare myself to my teachers, I do not feel like there is a major separation of understanding between my professors and my own use and understanding of academic technology. However, when it comes to social media, my teachers sometimes don't quite understand that aspect of the digital world. Each new generation gets better at their use of technology because newer forms are created and it is easier for them to learn them. Therefore, when I have my own classroom, I hope that my students can help teach me their uses of technology as we did for our teachers. I must continue to stay flexible and be willing to learn new technology in order to be a better teacher.
Badges are a very cool aspect of this course and in technology. I believe that on my app Duolingo, I earned learning badges for completing language lessons and practicing everyday. These badges were little trophies or accomplishments for learning a language. Badges are a great tool in encouraging practice and learning. I hope to earn badges in this class as we learn more about the big world of technology.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Blog Journal #1
Hi Guys! My name is Lexie Mitchell! I am a Freshman at Florida State University since the Fall of 2021. I am currently majoring in Elementary Education with the hopes of becoming an Elementary school teacher in the state of Florida. However, I also love to travel so I hope to pursue a career as a DODEA teacher overseas for military families. I myself come from a military family. Both of my parents served in the Air Force until I graduated high school. Because of my background and experience growing up in a military community I understand how crucial and impactful teachers are for these children. I consider Pensacola, Florida my hometown, however I only moved there senior year of high school! Before moving to Florida, I lived in many other parts of the world. I spent 7 years living overseas in Okinawa, Japan!
I took EME 2040 as a required course for my major. However, as an Education major, technology is not always the first thought when I think about skills needed for my career. But in reality, technology is a huge part of our everyday lives and especially my future career. For school, I use Google and Microsoft applications to assist in my learning and work such as Google Docs, Slides, PowerPoint, Excel, etc. I am also familiar with using zoom for virtual meetings and class. Canvas is also a huge part of my technology use as a Florida State student.
To support my learning, I try to take advantage of the opportunities and resources provided by Florida State University. I attend zoom or in person office hours from my teachers to receive assistance and guidance in my classes and with my career goals. In my first semester, I took a Introduction to Education course where I was able to meet and work alongside people in my major for the first time. These interactions were very helpful to navigate my new learning environment at Florida State. I frequently use online sites to support my learning such as Canvas, Google apps, Quizlet, etc.
Have a great day!
Blog Journal 10
Assignment 5 has been my favorite project in EME2040 to work on so far! It was such a creatively challenging project. I chose to create...

The web design project was a great assignment to gain real skills and experience working with a new kind of platform for educational ...
Introduction Hi Guys! My name is Lexie Mitchell! I am a Freshman at Florida State University since the Fall of 2021. I am currently majori...